Actionable Insights: The Productivity Hack For People Who Hate Productivity Hacks

Drew Dzwonkowski goes analog for his best productivity hack Image c/o Dzwonkowski.

Productivity hacks? Ugh. We shudder at the thought.

But! We recently heard one we like. It comes from Sports Illustrated Kids Art Director Drew Dzwonkowski, and it is decidedly old school — using an hourglass to track your time.

“Setting a digital timer sucks,” said Dzwonkowski. “But flipping over a brassy hourglass sets you on a one-hour deep focus session and gives you a calm visual reminder of how long you’ve been working.”

Dzwonkowski is a self-described “hourglass freak” — which is our kind of freak — and he even has an hourglass tattoo on his wrist.

So the next time you need to dig into deep work, replace your phone with an hourglass. It’s a beautiful desk ornament that actually serves a utilitarian purpose.

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