5 Tips for Giving Constructive Feedback, From Shake Shack’s Creative Director
Cathie Urushibata outlines how to make your feedback be the most effective. Image c/o Urushibata.
Need to give someone constructive feedback this week?
Here, Shake Shack Creative Director Cathie Urushibata shares five tips on how to effectively provide it.
1. Share the Feedback in a Timely Manner
That way it is fresh and people can learn and move on from it.
2. Explain the “Why”
Don’t just critique the artwork. It’s helpful to explain what’s not working. Is it hitting the goal? Is it on brand? Is it pushing the design forward? If it’s their performance, the same rules apply. Explain the “why” and share the specific example(s) of what needs to be improved and how to improve it. It may not be fun to give feedback, but you have to remember these teaching moments will (and should) help the person grow and develop.
3. Keep in Mind How You Deliver the Feedback
Think about how you would want to receive this feedback. Also keep in mind how the person best receives feedback. Is it during a 1:1, a quick call, or a drive by at their desk when in person?
4. Feedback is Reciprocal
Allowing the person to share their thoughts and have a discussion will benefit both parties. Your team’s feedback on the work, process, and you is crucial to the ecosystem of the team.
5. Gain Trust
Like any relationship in life, you need to build up trust with the person you’re working with. Otherwise, your words or actions can be meaningless.
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