Designer Recommended: Gantri Founder Ian Yang’s Favorite Creative Tools and Gear
Ian Yang has turned his passion for lights into a thriving company. Design by Juliana Collares.
Fact: Creative professionals love lights. They obsess over the shape and size, the glow (warm, always), and the look and feel. If you asked them if they would like to design their own desk light, we bet most would say yes.
Well, now they can — or at least get close. Ian Yang founded and runs San Francisco-based Gantri, a pioneering lighting manufacturer known for its design-forward and sustainable approach to table, wall, floor, and clamp lights.
The brand's founding mission was to leverage the commercial potential of 3D printing to provide a way for emerging designers to bring products to market at a fraction of the typical cost. Over the years, Gantri has partnered with dozens of international designers on original lights, including Ammunition in San Francisco, Muka Design Lab in Spain, and Filippo Mambretti in Switzerland. Each light is 3D-printed to order and uses a proprietary sugarcane-based filament that makes each lamp entirely biodegradable.
Here, Yang shares five of his favorite creative tools and gear. The list includes a Gantri light (obviously), his favorite tea cup, go-to webcam, and more.
1. Opal 4k Webcam
I rely on digital communication, especially video calls, which is why I love the Opal Webcam. It provides DSLR-quality video and features a minimalist, Bauhaus-inspired design that aligns perfectly with my aesthetic. It makes it easy to present myself in the best light on every call and reflects my attention to detail in all aspects of my work.
Purchase it now: $300
2. Kobble Task Light
Our collaboration with Karim Rashid is a statement piece and one of the only objects I keep on my desk. It provides the perfect amount of soft, targeted light for my workspace, illuminating my keyboard without overwhelming my space. I'm drawn to its unique design—I love how it manages to be both alien and minimal at the same time. I really relate to it.
Purchase it now: $298
3. Fellow Tea Cup
I always keep an empty white tea cup on my desk, but it's less a vessel for tea and more a daily reminder of the importance of keeping an open mind, akin to the Buddhist parable it represents. It encourages me to empty my mind to absorb new knowledge and ideas, serving as a physical metaphor for my creative process. It's a critical tool in my daily ritual, helping me to reset and approach my work with a fresh perspective.
Purchase it now: $35
4. Endel
I've integrated Endel into my daily routine to boost my focus, creativity, and relaxation. It's a science-backed app that uses synth sounds to help you focus, meditate, sleep, or get into a creative flow. I use it throughout the day; whether I'm working independently or wandering through a museum, Endel shapes my auditory environment. I use it in lieu of actual music, which I only listen to when I can fully concentrate on it.
Purchase it now: Prices vary
5. Superfuture
I read Superfuture every day. Innovative retail is like a merger of art and commerce, which is very much akin to what we’re doing at Gantri. Environments that both inspire and convert, I’m always interested in how the two blend together. It’s practical art, and it’s a constant source of inspiration for me, pushing me to explore how we can integrate this approach into our work.
Purchase it now: City travel guides from $18
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