Our November 27 Newsletter: What Happens When Beer and Creativity Meet
At Finback Brewery in New York City, the team stands out by staying small and being radically different.
This week, we have big news about…
How an Architect and Designer Built One of New York City’s Most Popular Breweries
Former LEGO Art Director Morten Bonde Lost His Sight, But Sees New Possibilities
The Creative Factor 2024 Gift Guide is full of great designed-recommended tools, products, and gear.
But first…our Editor Matt MCue says the best escape from family holiday stress is to get lost in a good story.
It is Thanksgiving week in the states, which is one of the more odd work weeks of the year. Most of us are just trying to navigate a week filled with some work, stressful travel, and lots of family time. Ah family. Just remember the rules of a successful family holiday, courtesy of Story People. They are:
1. Get together with family
2. Relive old times
3. Get out before it blows
With any luck, this is a good week to read. So if you haven’t yet read our new feature, “The Storyteller Chef”, now is the time. It’s a feel-good story about family, culture, creativity, and, of course, great food.
And, if our new subscribers want to go further back into our archives, you can check out the first long-form feature we did during the winter. It is titled “Halli Shall Be Released”, and it is the story of one designer’s journey to discover who he really is (and what that sounds like).
There is a sentiment out there that no one reads anymore. Ha! We don’t believe it (and we have the reader data to back that up). So settle in for the week, pour yourself something delicious, and get lost in a great story.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Matt McCue, Founder + Editor